Friday, December 17, 2010

What I saw 2day.....


I wanted to eat some yoghurt then it was already rotten!!!

Then I wanted to taste some tomato paste then when I saw it, it had fungus on it!!!!!!!!!!!!

super GROSS!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

If you know me and I know you, you can be my follower!!!
Please I beg you!!!
My siblings,friends,anybody!!!
Please for me!!!
I beg you anybody!!!!
Pretty please!!



Please anyone be my followers! I beg you please!!!!

Pretty please with a cherry on top!!!


I'm 9 yrs old!!! But I didn't get to celebrate my b'day!!! But it's fine with me because nothing is more important for a birthday present rather than praying with my whole family!!!!!

I believe when you wish something to Allah it will come true because Allah is doing the best he can to serve us well and so are we.The importance of praying is that we get "pahala" as the we all muslims say.

If you are a muslim and you say example you don't have water to take your ablution, that doesn' t
mean you have to say that you cannot pray, you must take "Tayammum".Tayammum is ablution, but it does not include any water,It may be rocks,sand etc.The important thing is that you must take your prayers and may Allah forgive our sins and all the bad things we do in life.Allah is a giver, He is a good god for us.He is one of the great things that has happened to us! We all are human and who created us? Allah, from our great grandmas and grandpas, until our parents and us! See how much Allah has gave us all these years? and that's why I always pray! Do the right thing and show him we are good people!


Allah is a good god.... He has chosen me to live in this world.I always pray to him to place me and my family to heaven and guide us to the right Islamic teacher Dr. Hocine told me about this man who is a muslim but he doesn't know how to pray.... I feel bd for those people.... but sooner they will open up and soon start praying.

My other sis is called Zuhaini Ismail. She is a good leader......whenever we have our ups and downs, we still love each other.Now she works at my school.She is a wonderful sister.

My mom and dad are wonderful people.My mother is a caring person.....and my dad is one good father, although they fight, they always come back together forever!!! and that is what I love about them.My parents told me about this doctor who said that mama can't get pregnant and give birth to me.... But suddenly she got pregnant!! and here I am!!!

All about me...

Who am I you ask?

I'm Didi, a prefect in my school and I'm in Yr 5.The most wonderful thing about me is that.....
I have such wonderful sisters in my family....My first sister Khairani has 2 children and a wonderful husband.Her 2 children are wonderful people for me , the first child is called Rayhan.He is a handsome and aggressive nephew but I don't mind because he is still small.....The other child is Iman, she is very cute girl.... she is an infant.Whenever anybody holds her she cries but when my sister holds her she's happy!How cute!Her husband is a very good brother in-law for me.....very funny!!

Well I hope you enjoyed the story of my life!!

Monday, December 6, 2010


yay!! I have HOLIDAY!! how cool is that? so cool!! and on wed and thursday I'm go 2 see elephants!!! YAY!!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Today i have school......:(

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I love my new blog!!! and all thanks to the other librarian Ms. Natasha!!!:)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Please anyone be friends with me in a blog!!! :(

Please be m follower!! I only have 2 followers!! my librarian and me!!!!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

What`s going on in my life......

Hey! guys! what`s going on? hey do you know that in my school I am in swimming club? B ut now its my holiday! How cool is that? So my nephew is coming here 31st July!! He is very aggresive!!! So I play the piano and I play very good but sometimes not really......

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The things I love so much!!

The things that I love are..... Girls things, chicken rice and nail polish!!! Do you know Justin Bieber? He is like so cute!! and he is so good in music making! and he is so talented!!

Slash!! The legendary guitarist!!

In my last post i told you about Slash the legendary guitarist! Well, me and my sister are his No. 1 fans !! and he is performing live in Sunway Lagoon Resort Theme Park!! To get the tickets, go to!!

What I Love!

Do you know the TV show "Wizards of Waverly Place"? Well, it is in DIsney Channel (615) and they said there will be Shakira in it! Do you know Slash? He's a a legendary guitarist and he is going to perform live in Sunway Lagoon Theme Park!

The birth of my blog ...

Hi! I'm Didi! I am new to the blogging world ... I'm only 9 years old ... I hope I can make new friends in the blogging world. When I'm 12, I'll get my braces!