Saturday, March 8, 2014

MH370, Please Come Back.

As you all know, MH370 was missing on the way to Beijing. The flight departed at 12:41am yesterday and 2 hours into the flight, it lost all contact with the Subang Air Traffic Control. It has been missing for more than 20 hours now. Just thinking about how scary it would feel being in that Aircraft is just indescribable. Imagine letting go of your ONE and ONLY son and you go back home thinking that he would be back in a few days and getting a call 2 hours later that the plane your son is lost.

Many speculations has been released. What I tell you now is that it is not true. DO NOT listen to these assumptions. The government and the MAS team has not released any OFFICIAL information. The Aircraft was lost as it was flying over Vietnam. An international search was mobilised this morning. The Aircraft may be in the sea, as people have seen an oil leak for as long as 20km. The sea however is 3km deep (don't quote me on that) and it is a struggle to swim in the deep waters.

The plane was filled with up to 7 hours of fuel, now, no more fuel. I am watching the media conference right now, live and they are talking about the MH370. More information for this, you can go to channel TV3 (103) and you can watch the live conference.

The flight was carrying a total number of 239 passengers and crew – comprising 227 passengers (including 2 infants), 12 crew members. The passengers were of 14 different nationalities - citizens from:-
1.    China / Taiwan – 152, 1 infant / 1
2.    Malaysia - 38
3.    Indonesia - 7
4.    Australia - 6
5.    France - 3
6.    United States of America – 3 pax plus 1 infant
7.    New Zealand - 2
8.    Ukraine - 2
9.    Canada - 2
10.  Russia - 1
11.  Italy - 1
12.  India - 5
13.  Netherlands - 1
14.  Austria - 1
I got all this from where you can get up to date information about the MH370 and how it is doing now. 
Thank you for reading this and please pray for the passengers' safety.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Brace Yourselves!

Hi guys! I know it was like forever since i updated my blog, so i thought i would share my memories with you! So you guys know what braces are right? Well, guess who has them? Me! I got it last year(wow so last year haha) in November I think and I was so excited! I had to put in spacers before I had my wires and molar bands because they had to create space in order for the bands to fit. OH MY GOD. It hurt so bad! I literally wanted to take them off. Like literally. So I just coped with it and within 2 weeks no more pain! I was feeling good, until they actually put the wires. OH MY GOD. This time guys, I swear, it was IMMENSE PAIN. My teeth felt really sore and every time i pushed it slightly, its like I came on step closer to the gate to hell.  But, 2 weeks later, NO MORE PAIN:). That feeling. But yeah I'll just show you a picture of my braces! The color was first mint green(what can I say, everybody loves that color), then blue(when got my wires), then coral, then pink and finally orange-y yellow! Thank you so much for reading. If you are getting braces, don't worry because IT IS WORTH IT. In the end you'll have perfect straight teeth and get to show off that straight smile!

Take care love bunnies, Didi.

(P.S : The picture is super vain! Eeek!)