Friday, March 8, 2013


Well this happens to everybody. It happened to me. I went through my old posts, and i thought, oh why... i feel like i want to be a role model when i grow up, but how can i when i always get in trouble? haha i know right? i almost got in trouble from my principal for something i didnt do. i got 2 detentions in the first month of  senior school. Living in senior school is damn hard. i said it. I feel that this blog can really help me. But at my house, the computer is rosak. There is no internet and my phone line is barred. Awesome! so i think this is it,  bye!

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Hey guys! i wanted to bring this up because it is very very serious. My sister, kaklong is at sabah. At Sabah, there are intruders. Sulu they call it. Now these intruders want to take malaysia. My dad was a police officer and he mostly goes into war and stuff. Everyday, he would talk about it. I didnt know that it was very serious, unti i heard the news. 6 policemen have died from this invasion. Anyway, Kaklong lives in Sabah and the terrorists are there. It was horrifying hearing the news from my mom. My sister, my flesh and blood, might get invaded.
I called her up to know the status of the invasion. She said that policemen were going round the houses checking if people were safe. She said that the invaders do not disturb them, but it is terrifying knowing that invaders are right around the corner and might attack you. Scary huh? please my fellow readers, help my sister by praying for her safety. This goes to all of the others too. Don not forget about the others.
my sister's blog site is :
i advise you to go to the website and read her interesting articles.

Bye lovelies!