Sunday, August 21, 2011


I think I have food poisoning!! I keep going to the toilet now and then!! It all started about 2 weeks ago, I followed my mom and my sis to see this photographer for her wedding. The photographer made chicken rice which was not so tasty. there was chicken that I think gave me the food poisoning. My Dad ate the chicken too but my mom said maybe my Dad is strong to handle it but not me. So pain!! The day after I ate the chicken rice, I went to the toilet like 6 times!!

What's new...

Hey guys!! If you remembered the article of my sisters, I just want to tell the great news!!! My sister Khairani, has a new baby!! and my other sister Zuhaini is getting married!!

Nikah- 17/12/11

Pre-wedding - 18/12/11

I'm back from kampung!!!

Hey guys!!!! I'm back from kampung!! Well I was back from kampung yesterday and I went to Meru to buka puasa!!! Meru is the place where my mummy(a.k.a auntie) lives!!! And I gave away my cat Kitty. She's a Siamese cat. I HAVE LIKE ALOT OF CATS!!! There's Ginger(male), Olive(female), Brownie(male) and.... Kitty but I gave it to my cousin Intan. Well, I'll keep you guys posted!!

Thanks for reading!!

Friday, August 19, 2011


I have these 2 cousins (I have a lot more) who are addicted to online games!!!! They even play games on the phone at night!! OMG!!! And I have this cousin aishah she's so freakin' fun to play with!!!

ohhh kampung!!!!!

I love kampung so much!!! All my cousins are so funny!!!!

luv you guys!!

bye!! i have to go play with my cousin!!! selamat berpuasa!!!


Hey guys!!! If you have a blog, don't forget to check out WHAT I LOVE IN MY LIFE and I HEART PRETTY STUFFS. Thank you for your time!!!


Still in kampung....

I just want to update stuffz....

To all the muslims,

Selamat Berpuasa!!!!

Balik Kampung!!!!!!

I am at Ipoh (my hometown) because my grandmother is sick :(

Monday, August 1, 2011

So boring !!!!!!

So boring!!!!!

I'm in Papa's office and is like omg so boring!!!! I'd rather go to school on saturdays and spend time with kak Ria!!!!!

To kak ria!!!

I love you so much!!! I miss you like crazy and most of all thanks for doing this amazing blog for me!!!!




Hey guys!!!!

yay! its puasa!!!!

My plan is to become thinner!!!

That wasn't what i wanted to write but eh . . . . . i wrote it!!